Welcome to Cambridge.

A welcome from our Upper School Principal.

Dear Griffins,

I hope your summer has been full of both rest and play! I was grateful to spend good quality time with family, especially with my daughter and husband as we adventured through a five day backpacking trip in the Yosemite wilderness. The summer is a wonderful season to slow down and appreciate the big and small blessings in our lives!

Our whole school theme for this year is Ad Altiorum, “toward higher things”. I’m excited to embrace this theme in Upper School after two and a half years of disruptions! There are so many “higher things” that we aspire to as we live and grow together in this community of faith and learning. 

When I think of “higher things” I can’t help but think about our time in Yosemite. My husband wanted to climb Clouds Rest, one of the “higher” peaks in the park as part of the trip. Knowing my current fitness level (or lack thereof!) and after viewing pictures of the last few feet of the trail with steep drop-offs straight to the valley floor on both sides, I had some doubts about whether I wanted to make this attempt. But I knew being on that mountain top would be a spectacular, worthwhile experience. I knew we had a well-trodden path to follow where many others had gone before us. And I knew I had a guide I could trust.

That’s a great analogy for what a Cambridge Upper School education is all about. We have high, lofty goals: to partner with parents and students to move partially formed human beings toward becoming young men and women who seek after truth, goodness and beauty in the service of God and neighbor. Honestly, I can’t think of anything much higher, and therefore challenging and more requiring of courage and tenacity, than that. But we have the well-trodden path of the intellectual and theological giants who have come before us. We have works of literature that have stood the test of time, we have the pioneers of math and science, and the roots of beauty in ancient languages. And we have some of the best guides we could ask for: our amazing Cambridge teachers, our “living curriculum”. I wouldn’t rather trust my own children to any other group of people! 

The view from very close to the top of Clouds Rest was indeed worth the arduous trip. There’s not much else that can give me such an immediate and visceral sense of God’s power and glory than a special place like that in the natural world He created. I’m even more excited to go to high places with our students this academic year. My hope is that they will come closer to knowing truth in all that they study, and therefore gain a glimpse of God’s work in this world and the world to come.

I can’t wait to see you all again in a few weeks, Griffins! 


Mrs. Gingrich 

Upper School Forms:
Parent Student Handbook.

Meet our Living Curriculum Teachers.

The Cambridge School believes in the enormous influence of teachers. “Living Curriculum Teachers,” as we call them, are not just Christians, but mature, growing, passionate followers of Christ who desire to make a spiritual as well as academic impact.

Upper School Uniform Guidelines

Dress Uniform (House Regalia)

Dress Uniform (House Regalia)

House Pins & Ties

Upper School Standards

Upper School Standards

Spirit Wear (Griffin Gear)

Spirit Wear (Griffin Gear)

*New students can pick up their house tie and pin at Meet The Teacher.

All students MUST purchase both regular and dress uniform components from LANDS’ END. Upper School boys’ skinny or straight pants may be purchased in Iconic Khaki or Tapestry Navy, through The Gap. All tops, bottoms, dresses, and outerwear must be selected ONLY from The Cambridge School’s approved list of uniform items. Not all items on Lands’ End are Cambridge approved.


Upcoming Events.